This dip-into kind of book should be required reading for everyone. It’s written in a tight, matter-of-fact style (I don’t really like to use the cliché, but it works), and covers everything: getting ready, to getting stuck, getting lost, getting hurt, getting shelter, getting warm, getting food, getting wet, and getting help.

It’s illustrated with easy to read line drawings, and each issue – like for example, ‘Collecting water’ in the ‘Getting food’ section – is dealt with in two facing pages at most. So while this isn’t a deeply detailed book, it does provide the basics and, you’ll agree, after the basics, the rest will come with practice.

Certainly it belongs in the guest library of any country lodge, game reserve, or adventure operator.

And at this time of year, it’d probably make a great corporate gift for a dedicated client whom you just know is aching to get into hiking gear and disappear over the bult as soon as the summer holidays begin.

It’s by Rob Beattie, and it’s published in wire-bound hard cover by Struik Lifestyle.

Buy it here.